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Custom command-line flags with flag.Func

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One of my favorite things about the recent Go 1.16 release is a small — but very welcome — addition to the flag package: the flag.Func() function. This makes it much easier to define and use custom command-line flags in your application.

For example, if you want to parse a flag like --urls="" directly into a []*url.URL slice, then previously you had two options. You could either create a custom type to implement the flag.Value interface, or leverage a third-party package like pflag.

But now the flag.Func() function gives you a simple and lightweight alternative. In this short post we're going to take a look at a few examples of how you can use it in your own code.

Parsing custom flag types

To demonstrate how this works, let's start with the example I gave above and create an application which accepts a list of URLs, converts each one to a url.URL type, and then prints them out. Similar to this:

$ go run . --urls=""
2023/11/13 17:25:37
2023/11/13 17:25:37
2023/11/13 17:25:37

To make this work, we'll need to do two things:

  • Split the values in the --urls flag on whitespace to get the individual URLs. The strings.Fields() function is a good fit for this task.
  • Convert the individual URL string values to a url.URL type. We can do this using the url.Parse() function.

We can use those together with flag.Func() like so:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// First we need to declare a variable to hold the values from the
	// command-line flags. You should also set any defaults, which will be used
	// if the relevant flag is not provided at runtime.
	var (
		urls []*url.URL // Default of a nil slice.

	// The flag.Func() function takes three parameters: the flag name,
	// descriptive help text, and a function with the signature `func(string)
	// error` which is called to process the string value from the command-line
	// flag at runtime and assign it to the necessary variable. In this case, we
	// use strings.Fields() to split the string based on whitespace, parse each
	// part using url.Parse() and append it to the urls slice that we
	// declared above. It url.Parse() returns an error, then we return this from
	// the function.
	flag.Func("urls", "List of URLs to print", func(flagValue string) error {
		for _, u := range strings.Fields(flagValue) {
			parsedURL, err := url.Parse(u)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			urls = append(urls, parsedURL)
		return nil

	// Importantly, call flag.Parse() to trigger actual parsing of the
	// flags.

	// Print out the URLs, pausing between each iteration.
	for _, u := range urls {

If you try to run this application, you should find that the flags are parsed and work just like you would expect. For example:

$ go run . --urls=""
2023/11/13 19:18:16
2023/11/13 19:18:16
2023/11/13 19:18:16

Whereas if you provide an invalid flag value that triggers an error in the flag.Func() function, Go will automatically display the corresponding error message and exit. For example:

go run . --urls=" http://thisisinvalid%+"
invalid value " http://thisisinvalid%+" for flag -urls: parse "http://thisisinvalid%+": invalid URL escape "%+"
Usage of /tmp/go-build520367363/b001/exe/cust:
  -urls value
        List of URLs to print
exit status 2

Default flag values

It's really important to point out that if a flag isn't provided, the corresponding flag.Func() function will not be called at all. This means that you cannot set a default value inside a flag.Func() function, so trying to do something like this won't work:

var foo string
flag.Func("example", "Example help text", func(flagValue string) error {
    // DON'T DO THIS! This function won't be called if the flag value is "".
    if flagValue == "" {
        foo = "bar"
        return nil


Instead you need to set the default value for a flag before flag.Func() is called. For example:

foo := "bar"
flag.Func("example", "Example help text", func(flagValue string) error {

Validating flag values

The flag.Func() function also opens up some new opportunities for validating input data from command-line flags. For example, let's say that your application has an --environment flag and you want to restrict the possible values to development, staging or production.

To do that, you can implement a flag.Func() function similar to this:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var (
        environment = "development"

    flag.Func("environment", "Operating environment", func(flagValue string) error {
        for _, allowedValue := range []string{"development", "staging", "production"} {
            if flagValue == allowedValue {
                environment = flagValue
                return nil
        return errors.New(`must be one of "development", "staging" or "production"`)


    fmt.Printf("The operating environment is: %s\n", environment)

Making reusable helpers

If you find yourself repeating the same code in your flag.Func() functions, or the logic is getting too complex, it's possible to break it out into a reusable helper. For example, we could rewrite the example above to process our --environment flag via a generic enumFlag() function, like so:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var (
        environment string = "development"

    enumFlag(&environment, "environment", []string{"development", "staging", "production"}, "Operating environment")


    fmt.Printf("The operating environment is: %s\n", environment)

func enumFlag(target *string, name string, safelist []string, usage string) {
    flag.Func(name, usage, func(flagValue string) error {
        for _, allowedValue := range safelist {
            if flagValue == allowedValue {
                *target = flagValue
                return nil

        return fmt.Errorf("must be one of %v", safelist)