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How to manage tool dependencies in Go 1.24+

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Level: Beginner

One of my favourite features of Go 1.24 is the new functionality for managing developer tooling dependencies.

By this, I mean tooling that you use to assist with development, testing, build, or deployment – such as staticcheck for static code analysis, govulncheck for vulnerability scanning, or air for live-reloading applications.

Historically, managing these dependencies — especially in a team setting — has been tricky. The previous solutions have been to use a tools.go file or the go run pattern, but while these approaches work, they’ve always felt like workarounds with some downsides.

With Go 1.24, there’s finally a better way.

A quick example

To demonstrate the new functionality, let's scaffold a simple module and add some application code.

$ go mod init
go: creating new go.mod: module
$ touch main.go
File: main.go
package main

import (


func main() {
    wrapped := text.Wrap("This is an informational message that should be wrapped.", 30)

Now fetch the package and run the code. The output should look like this:

$ go get
go: downloading v0.2.0
go: added v0.2.0
$ go run .
This is an informational
message that should be

Adding tools to your module

Go 1.24 introduces the -tool flag for go get, which you can use like this:

go get -tool import_path@version

This command will download the package specified by the import path (along with any child dependencies), store them in your module cache, and record them in your go.mod file. The @version part is optional – if you omit it, the latest version will be downloaded.

Let's use this to add the latest versions of stringer and govulncheck to our module as developer tools, along with staticcheck version 0.5.1.

$ go get -tool
go: downloading v0.30.0
go: downloading v0.11.0
go: downloading v0.23.0
go: added v0.23.0
go: added v0.11.0
go: added v0.30.0

$ go get -tool
go: downloading v1.1.4
go: downloading v0.0.0-20240522233618-39ace7a40ae7
go: downloading v0.30.0
go: upgraded v0.0.0-20240521205824-bda55230c457 => v0.0.0-20240522233618-39ace7a40ae7
go: added v1.1.4

$ go get -tool
go: downloading v0.5.1
go: downloading v0.0.0-20231108232855-2478ac86f678
go: downloading v1.4.1-0.20240526193622-a339e1f7089c
go: downloading v0.0.0-20231110203233-9a3e6036ecaa
go: added v1.4.1-0.20240526193622-a339e1f7089c
go: added v0.0.0-20231108232855-2478ac86f678
go: added v0.5.1

After running these, your go.mod file will now include a tool (...) section listing the tools you've added. The corresponding module paths and versions for all the dependencies will appear in the require (...) section and be marked as indirect:

File: go.mod

go 1.24.0

require ( v1.4.1-0.20240526193622-a339e1f7089c // indirect v0.2.0 // indirect v0.0.0-20231108232855-2478ac86f678 // indirect v0.23.0 // indirect v0.11.0 // indirect v0.30.0 // indirect v0.0.0-20240522233618-39ace7a40ae7 // indirect v0.30.0 // indirect v1.1.4 // indirect v0.5.1 // indirect

tool (

Using tools

Once added, you can run tools using the go tool command.

From the command line

To run a specific tool from the command line within your module, you can use go tool followed by the last non-major-version segment of the import path for the tool (which is, normally, just the name for the tool). For example:

$ go tool staticcheck -version
staticcheck 2024.1.1 (0.5.1)

$ go tool govulncheck
No vulnerabilities found.

In a makefile

The go tool command also works nicely if you want to execute tools from your scripts or Makefiles. To illustrate, let's create a Makefile with an audit task that runs staticcheck and govulncheck on the codebase.

$ touch Makefile
.PHONY: audit
    go vet ./...
    go tool staticcheck ./...
    go tool govulncheck

If you run make audit, you should see that all the checks complete successfully.

$ make audit
go vet ./...
go tool staticcheck ./...
go tool govulncheck
No vulnerabilities found.

With go:generate

Let's also take a look at an example where we use the stringer tool in conjunction with go:generate to generate String() methods for some iota constants.

File: main.go
package main

import (


//go:generate go tool stringer -type=Level

type Level int

const (
    Info Level = iota

func main() {
    wrapped := text.Wrap("This is an informational message that should be wrapped.", 30)

    fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", Info, wrapped)

The important thing here is the //go:generate line. When you run go generate on this file, it will in turn use go tool to execute the version of the stringer tool listed in your go.mod file.

Let's try it out:

$ go generate .
$ ls 
go.mod  go.sum  level_string.go  main.go  Makefile

You should see that a new level_string.go file is created, and running the application should result in some output that looks like this:

$ go run .
Info: This is an informational
message that should be

Listing tools

You can check which tools have been added to a module by running go list tool, like so:

$ go list tool

Verifying tools

Because the tools are included in your go.mod file as dependencies, if you want to check that the code for the tools stored in your module cache has not changed you can simply run go mod verify:

$ go mod verify
all modules verified

This will check that the code in your module cache exactly matches the corresponding checksums in your go.sum file.

Vendoring tools

If you run go mod vendor, the code for tooling dependencies will be included in the vendor folder and the vendor/modules.txt manifest alongside your non-tool dependencies.

$ go mod vendor
$  tree  -L 3
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── Makefile
└── vendor
        │   ├── BurntSushi
        │   └── kr
        │   └── x
        │   └── go
        └── modules.txt

When tools are vendored in this way, running go tool will execute the corresponding code in the vendor directory. Note that go mod verify does not work on vendored code.

Upgrading and downgrading tools

To upgrade or downgrade a specific tool to a specific version, you can use the same go get -tool import_path@version command that you did for adding the tool originally. For example:

$ go get -tool

To upgrade to the latest version of a specific tool, omit the @version suffix.

$ go get -tool

You can also upgrade all tools to their latest version by running go get tool. Note: tool is a sub-command here, not a flag.

$ go get tool   

If your tool dependencies are vendored, you will need to re-run go mod vendor after any upgrades or downgrades.

At the time of writing, I'm not aware of any easy way to specifically list the tools that have upgrades available – if you know of one please let me know!

Removing tools

To remove the tool completely from your module, use go get -tool with the special version tag @none.

$ go get -tool

Again, if you're vendoring, make sure to run go mod vendor after removing a tool.

Using a separate modfile for tools

A Reddit commenter mentioned the potential for problems if your tools share dependencies with your application code. For example, let's say that your application code depends on version v0.11.0, and is tested and known to work with that version. Then if you add a tool that relies on a newer version of, the version number in your go.mod file will be bumped to the newer version and your application code will use that newer version too.

In theory, this shouldn't be a problem so long as all your dependencies and their child dependencies are stable, follow strict semantic versioning, and don't make backwards-incompatible changes without a major version increment. But, of course, the real world is messy and backwards-incompatible changes might happen, which could unexpectedly break your application code.

It's worth noting that this issue isn't limited to tool dependencies – the same thing can happen if your application code and a non-tool dependency both rely on the same package. However, including tools in go.mod increases the risk.

To reduce this risk, you can use a separate modfile for tool dependencies instead of including them in your main go.mod. You can do this with the -modfile flag, specifying an alternative file such as go.tool.mod, like so:

# Initialize a go.tool.mod modfile
$ go mod init -modfile=go.tool.mod

# Add a tool to the module
$ go get -tool -modfile=go.tool.mod

# Run the tool from the command line
$ go tool -modfile=go.tool.mod govulncheck

# List all tools added to the module
$ go list -modfile=go.tool.mod tool

# Verify the integrity of the tool dependencies
$ go mod verify -modfile=go.tool.mod

# Upgrade or downgrade a tool to a specific version
$ go get -tool -modfile=go.tool.mod

# Upgrade all tools to their latest version
$ go get -modfile=go.tool.mod tool

# Remove a tool from the module
$ go get -tool -modfile=go.tool.mod